President Poem

he went to Kinderhook Academy and graduated in 1796

he was born in December 5,1782

nickname was Little Magician and

 The Red Fox

Martin Van Buren

Martin Van Ruin

he was called after presidency

the eighth president who loved rich food

Democratic Party president for a term, senator and governor

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor was attacked at 8:00 am,on Saturday 12/7/41

Even when we were at peace with Japan they still attacked

And the war was and started World War 2

Realize that this was a big war

Location:primarily Pearl Harbor,Hawaii Territory United States


Heros of pearl Harbor are Doris Miller,Ken Taylor,Ben Affleck

Arizona,Reid,Narawhal,Turkey,and Pheonix are battleships

Result:Japanese major tactical victory

Believe me a lot of people died and the Arizona became a memorial

Our president Roosevelt named Dec. 7 A Date That Will Live Infamy

Really it shocked  people about the attack



Landed in Cape Cod

Yes it’s real

Men,women,and children went on the trip

Only one problem,the storm

U celebrate Thanksgiving cause of them

They learned from the Native Americans

Holland is were they move

I would have chosen Plymouth because,1.let’s get one thing straight,I am a GIRL,and only men,rich men went to Jamestown.2.the fact that I would get to celebrate Thanksgiving for 3 days!Now I want some turkey…….3.I would like to worship God with them,oh and Jesus,can’t forget Jesus!4.I don’t want to randomly die,I know some,a lot of people died,but the whole colony!Wow,Jamestown was very unlucky.Well I need to go now bye!

Henry Hudson

June 1611

Explorer Gazette

A few days ago Henry Hudson,his son,and a couple of others have misteriously disapeared. We’ve interviewed a couple of witnesses of this horrible news. 1. “Sharks,I mean they were surrounded by water sitting in a boat without oars”said the first witness. 2. “Died of old age”said another.3.”Hunger and thirst”said the third witness.4.Drowned,becuase they probably tried to swim home and drowned.So there you have it we took four witnesses interviewed them and told you.I got this image at